About Islam

Kamal Abdul Aziz
Unity in Islam
Ukhuwah in Islam means “unity”. This word is adopted from Arabic and it’s familiar for Indonesian, especially Muslim. Talking about unity seems a basic in every group such as, organization or community. We can take an example from the building that consists of many materials. So, each of them is impossible to stand by itself. The analogy is the same as the human in common. Ukhuwah Islamiyah (united of Muslim) is the first kind. We often find many ideologies of Islam in Indonesia, moreover around the world. Even though they have difference in some motions and reading of prayer, in fact even in the basic things about Islam, but they are all Muslims. Second, Ukhuwah Basyariyah (united of humanity). This kind is more universal than the first one and it relates one another. People try to respect and appreciate other people. They don’t care about background and many more differences that can be an obstacle to have a sense of unity. Last, Ukhuwah Wathoniyah (United Nations). Not only Muslim and human race but also country is observed by Islam. We are familiar to United Nation that hands all affairs of state. But sometimes they (the committee) don’t give a good treatment in solving problems of the world, instance wars, territorial, economic and soon and so forth. The positive thing that we can take is “unity” gives us attention to the right of every people.
Gilang Baskoro Aryo Bimo
Interesting Things about Islam
There are many interesting things in Islam. The grand doors of our prophets (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) masjid in Medina weigh 2 and half tones each! Enormous quantities of “sag wood” was gathered from all over the world and shipped to the United Kingdom to be dried in computerized furnaces (the traditional drying process would have taken many years!). Even then, It took 5 months to dry the wood! The wood was the shipped to Barcelona (Spain), where the main body of the doors was made. And finally the French even pain their little part as the brass ornamentation was carried out in the city of Roi (France). Next time you visit the holy masjid, keep this entire in mind!
Muhammad Khoiruddin
Love in Islam
There are 4 types love in Islam. The first type of love that Islam calls for is the Love of Allah, praise be to him. This love makes you avoid committing sins in order not to make Allah get angry with you. This love also urges us to contemplate all the different aspect of nature to have a deeper faith in the Creator who created all this beauty around us. The second type of love is the love of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. This love also makes us follow the example of Prophet Muhammad in all his dealings and manners in daily activities. The third type of love is human love. It means that the Muslim has to love his other Muslim regardless of their ethnic, linguistic or cultural background. This type of love persuades the Muslim to help anybody whenever he can. The fourth type of love is the love between a man and a woman. Islam organizes and regulates this lofty feeling within the framework of marriage because Islam views that marital love leads the couple to have a peaceful and happy family life, which is the core of the Muslim society. In other words, this love is acceptable as long as it is within the framework of marriage.
Diani Mubarokah
The Best Figure for Our Life
There are many figures that we have in Islam such as Muhammad SAW, Abu Bakar, Utsman bin Affan, Ali bin Abi Talib and etc, but the best figure for our life is Muhammad SAW. He is the last messenger. We can learn about how to be a good person from him. We have known his form when he forced unbeliever who opposed him in Mecca. He is also a great leader for his followers. Although he is a great leader but he is never proud. He was humble. He appreciated other people and loved children. In conclusion, Prophet Muhammad is the best figure for life.
Khoirur Rizal
Islam Cannot Be Destroyed
Islam is religion that brings by Muhammad as prophet. Islam is the biggest religion in universe. Islam cannot be destroyed. If someone wants to destroy Islam, first thing in their mind is destroy Quraan. If all Quraans in the world today were destroyed, the original Arabic would still remain, because millions of Muslims, called Huffaz has memorized the next of the Quraan letter for letter from beginning to end for every word. Also, chapters from the Qur’an are precisely recited from memory by every Muslim in each of the five daily prayers.
Tri Utami Widayati
The Importance of Hijab
Hijab is very important for woman. Islam teaches us that covers genitals is important for woman. First of all, woman genitals can make a crime. Man will disturb the woman who doesn’t wear a hijab because her body is exposed. Second, wearing hijab can protect our health from air pollution. Third, hijab makes our inner beauty appear because it is characteristic of modern woman. Fourth, nowadays hijab is trend fashion in modeling. It is not only for fashion but also a main necessity for woman. In addition, Islam also obligates us to wear the hijab if we are outside our home. In other word, if we want to be a good moslem woman, let’s wear hijab from now !!
Jeni Diana Wati
The Way to Prevent Possessed in Islam
Possess can happen to everyone. Someone can be possessed when their mind is blank, far from their God, make any connection with the spirits, etc. There are many ways to prevent possessed in Islam. The first way is never let our mind blank. We have to remember Allah every time in every activity. That is not as the other ways besides Islam. They usually ask help from spiritualist to get the amulet or make a garlic necklace to save them from the wicket spirit. Then the second way is we have to often recite Al-Qur’an to keep the wicket spirits and Satan away. And the most important is never relates to the spiritualist or someone that relate to the spirits. It is clear that Islam has its own ways to prevent someone who is possessed and its better than the other ways.
Mahfut Khanafi
Shyness is one of important thing in Islam religion. First, Islam always teaches us to have shyness to other people especially in the public area. Second, Islam gives regard to people who have shyness feeling. For example, if you stand in the public area without clothes. Of course people don’t give you regard. Third, shyness is a character to religious believer. Shyness is character that is useful to your life or in your environment.
Minhatun Nilmaola
Tahajud is praying for Muslim which is done in mid night. It is done twice. There are some benefits of Tahajud. First, God will receive easily the hope’s prayer because the Angel will fall down in mid night. Second, Tahajud is better because when people sleep, we are Tahajud. Third, the body will be healthy. It prevents the diseases because Tahajud will make the prayer to be quite to sum up, Tahajud has the benefits in human life.
Muhammad Tomy Mahfudz
Divorce in Islam
Divorce is a way to stop a relationship between husband and wife. Islam permits it, but Allah doesn’t like divorce because there are some negative things that will happen if some people are divorcing. First, it can break a relationship from one family with the other family. Islam doesn’t permit us to break the relationship with other people. And then divorce makes child don't get love from their parents like before. Children just get love from their father or their mother only. After that, divorce will force child to live without a complete family. It can make child become a bad person. So if we still can keep the relationship, please keep it first for our child future.
Zulmi Nur Fauzi
My regrets when I left Islam
Life isn’t flat including my life. Sometimes, I feel near God, and sometimes I feel so far when I left Him. I had 3 (three) regrets when I left Him. First, I felt so lonely and everything went away from me. They left me alone with my loneliness and never came to me again. Second, I always felt, want to cry and won’t stop until He came to me again. Finally, I felt that I should never stand in this world. That’s all cause of the sin. It brings me to hell slowly. Thus, I have to survive especially myself and charity. I will never leave Islam again.
Wahyu Anggraheni
Interesting Things about Islam
Islam has many interesting things. First of all I love Islam which can make my soul calm when reading Holy Quran. Holy Quran is the life guide for all human. And in that text we can know what is good, bad, beautiful, or worst. Holy Quran also shares about story in the past, especially about all of the prophet. And I can catch the useful thing in there. Second, I love the way Islam teaches everyone about social life. It teaches me to share each other about things and also teaches me how to be a good person. Islam also teaches me to be patient. Third, everything I do about Islam. For example, praying, and fasting. They have benefit in health. It is like every move in praying has many benefits. And when we are fasting, that can keep our digestion good. Now, I think that Islam always teaches good things, and it always has benefit in our life or body.
Muslikhah Jazuly
Character of True Moslem
There are some characters of true Muslim. Firstly, a true Muslim always does his obligation and must stay away from sin. Secondly, if meeting with others moslems always speak to each other. Thirdly, when true Muslim hears greeting, they must answer the greeting. And then, a true Muslim prays when other Muslim sneezes. In conclusion, people who do those things are true Muslims, and they will go to heaven.
Fitriyah Aslikhatulmilah
Fasting is one of things about Islam. It has many benefits for us, especially for Muslims. There are three benefits of fasting. First of all, fasting is one of deeds in Islam. We can add our reward by doing it. In Islam there are obligatory fasting and optional fasting. Fasting in Ramadhan month is an obligation, and there are many kinds of optional fasting, like : fasting on Monday and Thursday, fasting on 2nd Syawal, fasting on 10th Muharram, etc. Second, fasting can help us to be a patient people. Fasting can make us more careful on behavior and keep our heart from negative behavior. Third, fasting is very important to our health because when we are fasting, our digestion equipment take a rest for a moment. And the dirt in our body gets out. I’m very happy about fasting, one of five Islam pillars. I’m very interested of their benefits, especially three benefits above.
Shofwatun Nisa
Why Muslim Women Should Wear Veil (Hijab)
Islam orders Muslim women to close their aurat. There are 3 reasons why Muslim women should wear veil. First, in holy book Al-Qur’an, there is obligation to close aurat. One of aurat is hair, so Muslim women must close it with veil. Second, there is trend in fashion and Muslim dress is a hot trend now. Third, call of the soul because they believe if wearing veil they will feel more honored. In short, wearing veil is an important thing for Muslim women.
Nur Asma Wati
Miracle of Ramadhan Month
There are many reasons why many people happy if Ramadhan comes again. First, in Ramadhan month there is a Lailatul Qodar because in there reveals Al-Qur’an to Prophet Muhammad. Second, in Ramadhan many people happy because they join with family and they practice tarawih together in mosque. Third, we can read the qoran every night because if not in Ramadhan month seldom people read the Qoran. So many people happy in Ramadhan month like me and my family of course.
Zainiyyatur Rohmah
The Beauty of Islamic Heritage
Islam is a beautiful religion. It is shown through its heritages that spread all around the world. There are many heritages of Islam, but I have three heritages that are beautiful in my opinion. First, it is Islamic thought and literature. Long time ago, the exploration of knowledge is limited, but since Islamic era the door of knowledges is opened such as mathematic, epistemology, literature, medical, etc. There are many Muslim scientists that made observation and created books such as Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Al-Khawarijmi (Al-jabar), Ibn Rusyd, and so on. They are the pioneer of modern knowledge thought. Islam also bequeath a great literature namely Al-Quran. It is a holy book and guidance for Muslims. There is nothing that can be compared to the literature inside the book. Second, Islam is a big religion and it influences by many cultures like Turkey and Persia. This is shown through the buildings that are known as Islamic building because of its special characteristic like cube and the ornament such as mosque and Taj Mahal in India. Third, Islam teaches brotherhood for Muslims in the world. There is no difference between skin, language, nation, ethnic, or culture. This makes us feel safe and comfortable when we are abroad without family because we have brotherhood there. We may not hurt each other, we must help each other. Muslims are a big family. Those are the Islamic heritages that are beautiful. What about you??
Putri Kurnia Sari
Let’s Keep Our Friendship with Islam
According to our religion “Islam”, there are three ways to keep our friendship. First, we must understand each other. It is important because without understanding, we can not know about something that they love or something that they hate. It can make us understand each other. Second, visit each other. Visiting each other can make us know how their habit is. It can also make us closer with their life. Last, give a gift for each other. This way is very fun. With it, we can always remember our friend by their gift. Let’s keep our friendship with Islam.
Merlia Windiana
Smile is one of the worship in Islam. It has some prominences. First of all, smile is very important to our life. It can give positive feeling to other. When you smile to your friend, you have given positive effect to your friend. Second, smile is the simple poem to cheer our day. Third, it can strengthen the friendship, and share our pleasure. Suggested by our prophet Muhammad Saw in his saying that smile is charity. In short, keep our smile and give positive effect to other people.
The Specialties of Islam
Islam is the best religion because of some specialties. First, praying. It’s one of obligation for Muslims. This activity makes us healthy and calm. Second, fasting. It’s an obligation too, but it’s different. We must keep ourselves from everything that makes the void of our fasting. For example, eating, drinking, etc. The third is zakat. Here, we are taught to share with each other. For example, we share our treasure to give each other. That’s all of specialties in Islam that make us feel calm.
Imamah Isfarotul Munawaroh
People of Paradise
Paradise misses people who have good characteristics in their life. There are four characteristics of person who is missed by paradise. First of all, person who likes to read Quran. They should also know the meaning. Second, person who keeps his or her mouth. It means that people should keep their speaking when they speak to other people especially when they speak to the older people. Third, person who gives meal to person who is hungry. They help each other, share what they have to other people. The last is person who fasts in Ramadhan month. It’s also to be one of our obligations as Muslim. In addition, we could be person who is missed by paradise if we have all of the characteristics which have been explained above. Let’s open our eyes and try to be good person.
Jehan Rizki Rakhmadani
Jihad in Islam
Jihad in Islam has three effects for the world. First, Jihad always makes every country afraid about bomb threat in its country. It makes all of nation leaders becomes confused how to overcome that. Second, there is no harmony among the members of religious community as result of Jihad. Third, Jihad in Islam destroys the world because it makes a war and aggression in every place such as, Middle East countries and makes so many people die. We can not imagine if Jihad in Islam still exists around the world. It is terrible.