Three Things I Love about Islam

Gilang  Baskoro Aryo Bimo
I’ve three things that I love about Islam. First, Islam always teaches us about goodness. That can make us be good people who love peace. Second, holy Qur’an is miracle from Muhammad with its beautiful lyrics. And there is no doubt. Third, Islam never differentiates people based on race. I guess that it is the beautiful things in this world. Increase our pray to keep our religion and be real moslem. In conclusion, as a moslem I will try to be a good moslem by reading holy Qur’an everyday and to try to learn it. And I can find a peace.
Asri Inayati
Three things that make me love my religion. First, Islam is a perfect religion that be spread by peaceful way. There is not force to follow it. Second, Islam is a religion that teaches me how to face my life. It teaches love and brotherhood, love children, respect the elders, always polite, kind to other, always truthful, help another, etc. Yes, it shows the true way. Third, Islam is a flexible religion. For example, if we can’t do prayer by standing, we can do it by sitting. If we can’t do it by sitting we can do it by lying. All of them make me love Islam very much as a fantastic religion. It makes me a good person in the world, and I hope in hereafter too. Amen.
Jehan Rizki Rakhmadani
I have three things I love about Islam. First, this religion only has one God that is Allah and believes that Muhammad is the last messenger of God who has guided us from the darkness to brightness. Second, Islam is religion that has a holy book called Al-Qur’an. All of the contents arrange us to do goodness and avoid badness. Third, what the most I love about Islam is equality of degree among Muslims, not only between the rich and the poor. In conclusion, I think these are superiority of Islam compared with other religion in the world.
Bagus Suryo Guritno
There are three things that I love about Islam. First, Islam teaches us how to be a good mankind such as help others and feel good about themselves. Second, Islam has sacred book called "Koran" which tells us how to live, how to treat another, and how to pray. Third, Islam has simple ways for people who want to convert. In conclusion, Islam is in my profound heart.
Imamah Isfarotul Munawaroh
There are three things about Islam that make me love it. First, as we know Islam is the true religion in the word until hereafter. Here Islam shows the true way of life. Second, I can feel that Islam can teach me to be a good person from the lessons that I get from Al-Qur’an and hadits. Third, Islam is a flexible religion. Islam never forces us as a rule. Islam is an easy religion to be followed. In conclusion, Islam is the best religion for my life.
Muhammad Khoiruddin
There are three things that make me love about Islam. First, Islam teaches us to love each other and keep relationship. Islam is depicted as a human body. If a part of it gets illness, the other parts also feel the same pain. Second, Islam is a religion that gives priority in affection and peace. Islam never forces everyone to become Muslim. Third, Islam has complex rule that regulates everything to be a noble human. The conclusion of it is Islam is a true religion in the world.
Khoirur Rizal
I have three things that I love from Islam. First, Islam teaches us to love other. Islam has difference admiring each other. Second, Islam shows us the right way. The way is to get into heaven. Third, Islam never forces someone to become Muslim and if someone is not a Muslim. Islam never reproaches them. In conclusion, Islam is a peaceful religion.
Humam MuftiL Aziz
These are three things that I love about Islam. The first thing is the people are friendly, and they want to be friend with everyone who wants although they are from different religion. The second thing is Islam teaches us to share something with other family who needs our help. The third thing is Islam teaches us to help each other and gives us knowledge about life. I am a lucky boy because I can be Muslim and know about Islam.
I have three things I love about Islam. First, the beauty of Islam makes me feel comfortable. For example, after I pray five times, I feel relax.  Second, the cooperation among Muslims is fascinating. For example, if one of them needs a help, they will help him soon. Third, the veil of Islam is very good for Muslimah. It teaches women to protect themselves. It keeps them from crime. That’s all three things I love about Islam.
Merlia Windiana
I have three things that I love about Islam. Firstly, Al Quran is holy book of Muslim that makes a light of life. Secondly, Rasulullah saw has brought us from the darkness to the light. He has raised women degrees up to three levels. The last one is veil. It can protect the women from weakness. That’s all the three things I love about Islam.
Putri Kurnia Sari
There are three things that I love about Islam. First, Al-Quran. It is a holy book of Islam. It contains the rules in Islamic religion. It is also a great book that is full of beauty. All the words in Al-Quran are from Allah SWT and will be kept until the end of the world. The second is leadership. Islam has taught us how to be a good leader everywhere. Islam also teaches that male must be a leader, but it doesn’t mean that female cannot be a leader. The good leader in Islam is a person who can be fair, wise and honest. Last, Islam always respects women. Women are always kept in Islam. It is proved by command to use veil for all the women in Islam. These are all the things why I love Islam.
Ana Puspita Sari
There are three things I love about Islam. First, Islam teaches us about humanity, how to love each other. Islam always teaches us about tolerance with someone else. Second, Islam makes us become good people. Islam makes our character become good. And the last one is Islam gives us a guidance for life. We can get a happy life by obeying the rule in Islam. Maybe we can be good Muslims, Amen.
Zainiyyatur Rohmah
Islam is a wonderful religion to me, and I have three things I love about Islam. Firstly, Islam is a peaceful religion. We learn so many good attitudes in Islam that is about how to be a good Muslim. So there will be a good relation among Muslims and between Muslims and non-Muslims. Secondly, Islam is a fair religion. Islam teaches its followers how to organize their life based on Islamic law; for example, how to justify criminals, how to divide inheritance, etc. Thirdly, Islam teaches brotherhood among Muslims no matter what ethnic they are from. This makes me comfortable wherever I go because I have so many brothers and sisters all around the world. That is why I never doubt Islam as my religion.
Nur Asma Wati
There are three things I love about Islam. First, I know that Islam is the best religion in the world because many countries follow that religion. Second, Islam makes me comfortable because I think if I read the Qoran, so I feel quiet. Islam teaches me to be patient, not to be hopeless. Third, Islam brings me to a good condition; for example, I can get many lessons such as to be patient, share with each other. In conclusion, Islam is a good religion for me.
Shofwatun Nisa
Islam is a perfect religion for 3 reasons. First, this religion believes only one god called Allah. Second, Islam has five pillars, that is, shahadah, prayer, charity, fasting and pilgrimage. Third, Islam has a holy book called Al-Qur'an. All of the contents arrange us to do goodness and avoid badness. In short, I think these are superiority of Islam compared with other religion in this world.
Minhatun Nilmaola
I love about Islam, and I have three things about it. Firstly, Islam is monotheistic worshipping only one God. Secondly, Islam has holy book called Al-Qur’an. Thirdly, Islam has five pillars, that is, shahadah, prayer, charity, fasting and pilgrimage. In conclusion, Islam is one of true religions and one of the better choice.
Fitriyah Aslikhatulmilah
I love about Islam, and I have three things about it. Firstly, Islam is rahmatan lil ‘alamin. Allah promises that people who follow Islam religion will get mercy from God. Second, Islam has a holy book, called Al-Qur’an. It is guide of Muslim’s life so that we know what we must do and what we must leave. Last, Islam has a holy month, called Ramadan. In this month, Muslims must fast. That is suppressing hunger and thirst from sun rises until sun sets. Finally, I love about Islam because Islam always gives us about goodness.
Muslikhah Jazuly
I have three things I love about Islam. Firstly, Islam has five pillars, that is, syahadah, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage. Secondly, Islam just believes in one God, called Allah. Thirdly, Islam teaches good life and true life. In conclusion, Islam is one of true religions and one of the better choice.
Wahyu Anggraheni
I have three things I love about Islam. First, Islam and all about it can make me calm especially when I listen to someone who reads holy Quran. Secondly, Islam teaches me how to respect myself and someone else. Third, Islam gives the way to live in the good life. And if we take the wrong way, Allah will give us warning, and we go back to right way. And I think Islam really makes my life beautiful and comfortable.
Zulmi Nur Fauzi
Three things I love about Islam are fasting, praying and reading the Holy Qur’an. First, fasting teaches me to hold back my desire. Secondly, praying teaches me to manage my time and be discipline. The last is reading the Holy Qur’an teaches me about life and makes me healthy. That all gives me a lot of benefits especially I can get merit from The Great One Allah SWT. So I want to prepare myself and do my best for The Great One Allah SWT.
Jeni Diana Wati
Islam is perfect religion, and there are three things I love about Islam. The first thing is the perfection of Islam in organizing human life. It makes people care for other people and their environment. The Syariah of Islam is appropriate with the reality and appropriate with the development of human civilization. It makes people more tolerant to other people and builds their critical thinking. The last thing I love about Islam is it teaches us to be a person that not only thinks about the world but also the hereafter. It builds people's humble character and keeps people from the bad willing. Those are three things I love about Islam in my life. May Allah bless us in everything.
Diani Mubarokah
There are three things I love about Islam. First, Islam teaches me to appreciate each other, be responsible and discipline. It makes me to appreciate poor people by giving them a little of our wealth. Second, Islam does not make difficulty for the follower. If we get sick we can pray by sitting or lying or allowed not to do fasting for pregnant women. Third, Islam shows the true way of life. It gives me a guidance. May I become a good Moslem.

Muhammad Tomy Mahfudz
I have three things I love about Islam. First, Islam teaches us to do right or good attitude. It makes moslems become good people. Second, Islam can make us calm when we listen to someone who reads holy Qur’an or when we read holy Qur’an itself. Third, Islam is not seeing people from their degree, but from their charity. So increase our pray, keep our religion and be a real moslem.
Tri Utami Widayati
There are three things I love about Islam. First, Islam teaches us good things. It makes me know how to do a good deed appropriate with Islam. Islam teaches that the Moslems have to respect their parents, even we are forbidden to shout at them. The God`s bless depends on our parents’ permission. So we must love them every time. Islam also teaches us to help each other, not only the Moslems but also Christian and another religion. Islam has a rule to organize all of Moslems daily activities. Islam organizes the healthy life, how to take and give, the rule to trade, obligation to study etc. These are just a few from good things of Islam. In conclusion, Islam is a great religion, and I hope I will be a good Moslem in my lifetime.
Mahfut Khanafi
There are 3 things that make me love about Islam. First, I had studied about Islam since I was child and many people in my environment love Islam. Besides, my parents love Islam. They usually read holy Qur’an every night and always teach me about Islam. Second, after graduating from elementary school, I studied in the cottage. The cottage taught me new knowledge about Islam. The student must study yellow book; therefore, I understand about Islam now. Finally, Islam is a good religion and I believe that will be the best guide for my life.
Yuda Setiawan
There are three things that I love about Islam. First, Islam always teaches me about peace, like gives an affection for each others. Second, Islam has a Holy Book ( The Qoran ) and this Qoran full of truth. Third, Islam is one of religions that Allah Almighty guarantees about heaven if someone follows this religion he will come into heaven. As follower of Islam, Allah Almighty will bless me in this life and this religion.
Kamal Abdul Aziz
There are three things that I love about Islam. Islam teaches us how to be a discipline mankind. We can see it when Islam manages our time when to pray and work. Secondly, Islam has a rule for orientation, namely Al-Quran and Al-Hadits. Their function is to lead Muslims into the right way. Third, Islam guarantees its followers. God will give heaven and hell for reward and punishment. Those are some superiorities of Islam.