Three Strategies to Study English

Gilang  Baskoro Aryo Bimo
There are three strategies to study English. First, you can watch English movie that can improve your vocabulary because you can put the usage of vocabulary in context. Second, you can listen to English music that can make you accustomed and suggested. And the most important thing is don’t be afraid of making mistake. In conclusion, these strategies are necessary to improve my English skill.
Asri Inayati
I have some strategies to study English. First, I try to like English and enjoy it. Second, I usually study English grammar from books. I do some exercises and I take a test. Beside that, I usually read everything about English. When I find some new words, I write them down, and I check the meaning in dictionary. Then I memorize them. Third, I practice English by speaking with my friends. I am happy to study English and practice it more and more. Finally, I can improve my English by doing all of my strategies.
Jehan Rizki Rakhmadani
I have 3 ways to get success in learning English. First, you must try to listen to English conversation. Second, you must try to memorize the meanings of some words. Third, you must try to speak to yourself and then to another person. Don’t ever try to study grammar. Although difficult we must still love learning English. Do all of the ways often and continually.
Bagus Suryo Guritno
There are three strategies that can help you to learn English. The first strategy of learning English is surround yourself with English such as English music, TV program and talking with each other. Use English all day long for few days a week in your class room. Second, be brave to write in English and speak English. If you haven't dare to practice you'll never know your weaknesses. Third, open yourself with critics and suggestions. English is easy to learn if you struggle. I hope these strategies can help you to improve your English skill.
Imamah Isfarotul Munawaroh
I have some strategies to study English, and I’m sure that it can help me to study English. First, making an English note book is one of my strategies. Then I memorize the vocabularies. Second, practice my English by speaking. Don’t be afraid to have mistakes when we practice our English. Usually I do some exercises such as TOEFL test and others. I hope I can improve my English.
Muhammad Khoiruddin
I want to share my strategy to increase my English. First, memorize vocabulary and practice it in daily speaking. It’s so useful because by speaking we can apply our vocabulary and make our mind accustomed to think fast about English. Second, learn English grammar. Grammar is the important part of English. Learning about language means you have to study about grammar. Third, do many exercises. By doing it, you will more understand. Fourth, listen to English music and get the lyric. Look for the lyric and translate it into Indonesian language. When the music plays, you have to imitate the song. Learning language needs practice in habitual activity. In conclusion, after we learn English based like vocabulary and grammar, we practice those.
Khoirur Rizal
There are three ways to increase my English. First, memorize vocabulary as much as possible and do practices. Second, try to apply your English in your daily like speaking with your friend. Third, listen to English music or watch an English movie. Thus, you can increase your listening skill and speaking skill. To master English all you have to do just try and try.
Humam MuftiL Aziz
There are three strategies to study English. The first strategy is learn English lesson every day after studying on campus and do it when you have part time. The second strategy is memorizing. Don't forget to memorize your lesson about English lesson and try to memorize the vocabularies every time for about five vocabularies every day. The third strategy is practicing, Try to make short sentence on your paper and try to speak and practice your English with your best friend in your boarding house. Those are the methods to get the best English. Enjoy it and try it.
It’s easy to have successful English study if we have apply three strategies to study English. First, we can learn English by listening to music. Second, we can learn from listening to music with English language. The last strategy is a place of study because it’s very easy to influence our spirit to stud. If our place is clean, we will feel comfortable. So that’s part of the strategies to study English. I believe we can do all the strategies.
Merlia Windiana
There are three strategies to study English. First, enrich our vocab. We must memorize as many vocabularies as we can. We can make a vocabulary book because that makes memorizing easier. Second, learn to understand grammar and do exercise everyday. And the last strategy is try to practice our English wherever and whenever we are. With our boyfriend or our friend, we can improve our English with vocabulary, grammar, and practice.
Putri Kurnia Sari
There are three ways that we can apply to improve our English. First, enrich our vocabulary. We must memorize vocabularies as many as possible everyday. We can make vocabulary book and from this we can know as far as our ability in English. Memorizing vocabulary can make us easier to understand text in English. We can be easy to speak in English because we have enough vocabulary. And then the second way is practice. In my opinion, this way is the important thing that will make us expert and fluent in English. Without practice, we never get our dream to expert in English. And the last one is try to do exercise everyday. It can increase our ability in grammar of English. Remember that we must be brave and never give up to study, study and study more and more. So from my explanation, to improve our English we must memorize vocabulary, practice and do exercise everyday.
Ana Puspita Sari
There are some ways or some strategies to study English. The first strategy is enriching your vocabulary. If we have many vocabularies, we will not be confused when we have conversation. Second, don't be shy to speak because English is not only about theory but also practice. And the last one is try to make an environment that supports us to study. We can invite our classmate to practice English. And the most important thing that must we remember "don't be afraid to make some mistakes ". So practice and show your ability, enjoy your English.
Zainiyyatur Rohmah
There are many ways to study English, but I have three strategies to study English based on my experience. Firstly, you have to build your motivation. You have to find the reason why you must study English. This reason will give you more spirit in your study. Secondly, you must learn English as much as possible. You can learn English not only in the class but also from the other sources, like English movie or English song. Thirdly you must practice your English. You can make a conversation or discussion with your classmates by using English, listen to English music, watch an English movie, or write down your diary in English. Those are my strategies to study English, you can try it in your study like me.
Nur Asma Wati
I have some tips to study English. First, you must love English. You must speak in English with other people. For example, with your friend. Second, you must listen to English music. Music can be a very effective method of learning English. And then you can listen to English conversation such as listen to radio broadcast, audio book or CD in English. Next, you can watch English film you can expand your vocabulary. Finally, you have to be fun and study hard.
Shofwatun Nisa
I have 3 ways for learning English language. First, watching movie because with watching movie we can get some benefits; for example, getting entertainment, learning pronunciation, listening to native speaker. Second, reading novels because you can increase your vocabulary. Third, I always listen to the music with English lyric, and then I practice my English like singing English music. In the end, I must have fun and study hard to do all my ways to improve my English.
Minhatun Nilmaola
I have three strategies for learning English. Firstly, I must listen to what the teacher said. Secondly, I must study to read all about English. Thirdly, I must learn to speak with foreigner. That’s all my strategies to learn English.
Fitriyah Aslikhatulmilah
I have four strategies in my personal experience to learn and improve my English. When I find difficult word, forget about the grammar and sometimes find the idioms. The first way to improve my vocabulary is trying to always open the dictionary. Second, to develop my grammar I read the book which tells about grammar. Third, I have a way to improve my idioms. I write the phrase of idioms in a small paper with its meaning and example of the sentences. I can bring it whenever and wherever easily. Fourth, it is very important to me to practice English. In the end, I must have fun and study hard to do all my ways to improve my English.
Muslikhah Jazuly
I have some strategies to learn English. Firstly, I must listen carefully what the teacher said. Secondly, study to read and to speak. And then the last, writing and study about grammar and structure of the word. From that, I know the meaning of word. I can translate from English to Indonesian language. In conclusion, I always study hard and restless to learn English.
Wahyu Anggraheni
I have three strategies in learning English. Firstly, I learn to read article, story, or magazine in English language. Secondly, I always listen to the music with English lyric and watch English film. Thirdly, I practice my English like singing English music or reading poem. So you can follow me to learn English with these three strategies.
Zulmi Nur Fauzi
Speaking English very well is everybody’s wish; therefore, we must have strategies for improving our English skill. First, we can spend our free time for memorizing the vocabularies. Second, after we memorize the vocabularies we have to practice that. And finally we try to get experience by speaking with native speaker. So if we want to improve our English skill, we must try to memorize the vocabularies and then we can apply by making a sentence, paragraph and always practice that. And we can try to get experience by speaking with native speaker. I think all of them are important for improving our English skill.
Jeni Diana Wati
I have three strategies to learn English easily. And the first strategy is to improve your ability in listening. It is by listening to your favourite music or watching a movie. Then to improve your ability in reading and writing is reading a novel or some other books. Then try to make a summary and don't forget to memorize the new vocabularies that you find in those books. Well, the last way to improve your ability in speaking is try to make many conversations with your friends. You can invite your friend to join your conversation. But make sure that all those things must be in English. Your music, movie, novel, summary and your conversation must be in English. That's all three ways to learn English easily.
Diani Mubarokah
If we want to study English, there are ways or strategies to study it. The first thing that we must do is we have to know about English. After we know about it, we must try to like it because by liking English, certainly we can enjoy to study it. After that, develop our ability in English by adding some vocabularies. Try to practice with our friends by doing conversation every time. Indeed, I must study hard and practice my English.
Muhammad Tomy Mahfudz
There are three strategies to improve my own English. First, I must lose my own fear to learn easily.  Second, I can improve my vocabulary by listening to English music. If I like a song, I can look for the lyric. After that you can translate it into Indonesian. Third, I can also watch an English movie because you can learn how to pronounce some words. The solution that you should have to do is don’t be afraid to make a mistake.
Tri Utami Widayati
I want to tell you how to study English. First, you can spend your spare time to listen to the English music, or read an English article. You will find new vocabularies then write them in your notebook, and don`t forget to remember them. Second, try to speak English in your daily activities with your friends, and practice with native speaker to improve your speech. You can visit tourism places. Third, we don’t be afraid to make a mistake. Trust me! If we do these strategies we will be an English master. So we have to improve our English every time.
Mahfut Khanafi
This is my experience to improve my ability about English language. I must memorize vocabulary because I have a little vocabulary. And the next strategy are listening to music and watching English film. This is not only fun away to learn but also very effective because we can hear how to pronounce those words and try to translate English text into Indonesian language. If you find unfamiliar words, make a note in your book. I have special method to improve English, that is, try to read note everyday and anywhere. If you do these ways, your ability will improve quickly.
Yuda Setiawan
There are 3 ways to improve my ability about English. First, I always listen to music by winamp. I try to listen how to pronounce those words. And the second is memorizing vocabulary. And I try to make sentence from those words. And the most important thing is always make a note in my wall room, like writing the pattern of grammar. It makes me see it everyday while I get into difficult words or difficult pattern in English. These make me easy to learn English without asking someone.
Kamal Abdul Aziz
Based on my personal experience, I have at least four strategies to improve my own English. I got this method when I took course last year. Firstly, I must listen to the lesson carefully. To make sure, I ask to the teacher the point when I need more explanation. Secondly, writing the lesson is necessary. It can be saved in our memory well. Besides I can find the reference easier when I get some problems. The next strategy is reading the material that we got. By listening, writing and reading we understand 75% in each material, of course. And the last or fourth is practice my English won’t ever be perfect without practice. I recommend enjoying your English by my trick, if you are interested in it. Don’t worry to consider and do!